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Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Australian IT - Robot pets take off in Asia (Sholto Macpherson, SEPTEMBER 02, 2003)
Sholto Macpherson
SEPTEMBER 02, 2003

HUMANS have always wanted pets, but many baulk at the responsibility of walking and cleaning up after a dog once it has grown out of puppyhood.
Although robotic pets lack a heartbeat and a wet tongue, they have found a home in Asia, where most living pets are incompatible with high-rise lifestyles.
The standard artificial intelligence software in most robots runs through a programmed life cycle in which behaviour depends upon the treatment meted out by its owner.
If ignored, a robot will become lethargic and throw a ball around; it wants to play.
Every action and response is recorded in the onboard memory, which remembers the robot's developing personality, moods and any tricks it has been taught.
Robot pets have come in various forms, from cats to fluffy mouse-like creatures, but the most popular form has remained the dog.